CPD, Networking and Training Sessions 2024-2025

Here are all our CPD sessions - accessible for all Hub music staff. Click to see full details and how to sign up.



Run By
Date & Time:       
Groove and Play Primary/SENDSolihull5th September   4-5pmLand rover social
Singing in the ClassroomPrimaryWarwickshire17th September 3:45pm - 4:45pmOnline
How to write your School Music Development PlanPrimarySolihull2nd October 2024Virtual
Secondary network meetingSecondarySolihull23rd October      1-3pmLangley 
Creating and using your School Music Development Plan:
Drop in Session 
Primary/SecondaryWarwickshire22nd October 3:45pm - 5:45pmShire Hall Warwick
How to set up and run a School Rock Band Primary/SecondarySolihull6th November 2024Byron Room - The Core
Locality Music Lead meeting - NorthPrimary/SecondarySolihull12th November 2024TBC
Locality Music Lead meeting - WestPrimary/SecondarySolihull13th November 2024TBC
Locality Music Lead meeting - EastPrimary/SecondarySolihull14th November 2024TBC
Ofsted Deep Dive Q and APrimarySolihull4th December 2024Virtual


Run By
Date & Time: 
Teaching Music in the Primary ClassroomPrimaryWarwickshire6th January 9:30am - 3:30pmShire Hall Warwick
EYFS MusicNurserys and early years settings, EYFSWarwickshire15th January 3:45pm - 4:45pmVirtual
Sing and Sign support Primary/Secondary/SENDSolihull15th January 2024Virtual
Creating an inclusive and diverse music curriculumPrimary and SecondaryWarwickshire21st January 3:45pm - 4:45pmVirtual
Creating and using your School Music Development Plan: Drop in Session Primary/SecondaryWarwickshire23rd January 3:45pm - 5:45pmVirtual
Practical music making in the classroomPrimary/Secondary/SENDCoventry23rd Jauary Council House
School Samba for World Music DayPrimary/SecondarySolihullSchool Conference Land rover social
Vocal warm ups and resources for School ChoirsPrimary/SecondarySolihull12th Febuary 2024Byron Room - The Core
Music Development Plan drop in clinic Primary and SecondaryWarwickshire12th Febuary 12:30pm - 3:00pmVirtual
Music Development Plan drop in clinic Primary and SecondaryWarwickshire13th February 3:45pm - 5:45pmVirtual
Music Tech in the classroom  and can AI change the way we make music?Primary and SecondaryWarwickshire20th March 3:45pm - 4:45pmVirtual
Creating and using your School Music Development Plan: Drop in Session Primary/SecondaryWarwickshire26th March 3:45pm - 5:45pmVirtual
GCSE Moderation SessionSecondaryWarwickshire

3rd April    3:30pm - 4:30pm




Run By
Date & Time: 
Using Speedadmin for Solihul Music bookingsPrimary/SecondarySolihull7th May 2024Virtual
SENDALLWarwickshire21st May 3:45pm - 4:45pmVirtual
Evaluating the impact of your School Music Development planPrimary/Secondary/SENDWarwickshireJune 12th 3:45pm - 4:45pmVirtual
Reviewing & Update Your School Music Development PlanPrimary/SecondaryCoventry18th June - 2:30 p.m.Council House
Musical play ideas for CIC KS 1/ RecpEYFS/Primary/SENDSolihull18th June 2024Byron Room- The Core
Early Years Music MakingEYFSSolihull Offered direct to EYFS Settings -